Why do kids go missing? A survey with all the wrong answers

During some google searches for several missing persons’ cases, I came across a web poll that asked: “Why do you think kids go missing (excluding runaways)?” A reasonable question. Two of the potential answers were “Parent wants to get back at other parent” (the one I voted for) and “Parent feels they have rights” which both address the fact most missing kids are runaways and family abductions. Over forty percent of respondents, however, answered “Abductor wants sex with child” which is one of the least common reason kids vanish. And while approximately four thousand kids are abducted by a non-family member per year, I am sure the people who answered that were thinking of the stereotypical stranger abductor and not the person well known to the child as they most often are. The media’s dramatization of stranger abductions probably has a part in it. And of course no one wants to think of abductors as being people they know, and the mysterious stranger who does so is the most comforting thought. NCMEC has tried to reframe the issue of missing kids and points out stranger abductions are rare, but that gets little attention. Some do hear of a stranger abduction and then realize the true extent of the problem. Many people who heard of the case of Sean Goldman commented they had no idea how many parents abducted kids until they heard of his case. It’s a start.

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3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Linda Williams said,

    April 11, 2010 @ 6:56 am

    All missing people are being searched for by someone who cares, runaways included. The fact parental abductions are not taken more seriously is a crime to all involved. Most are told the other parent either left them or is dead and brainwashed into believing they were not loved. If lucky enough for them to reunite with the other parent (and perhaps depending on the years missing) there is a bond that is usually broken. That leaves wounds that can’t be seen or healed. IT’S A CRIME, A SERIOUS CRIME. It time for a serious reality check when it comes to missing people.

  2. 2

    chelsie said,

    September 3, 2010 @ 12:11 pm

    i think it is soo sad when a parents child (children) go missin it is heart breaking and sad and i fell soo sorry for there parent and the children they can be any were with any one why would people kidnapp a little cute kid its discusting and sad and anyone out there reading this i really hope u find your child (children). xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. 3

    chelsie said,

    September 3, 2010 @ 12:12 pm

    and you WILL FIND THEM AND

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