Above: Abbigale Lawrence in 2019

Above: Maddison Lawrence in 2019

Abbigale and Maddison Lawrence

Last seen in Kansas City, Kansas on May 8, 2019

Vital statistics: Abbigale is a white female. She was born on August 2, 2015. Blond hair, hazel eyes. Was four at the time. Maddison is a white female. She was born on December 11, 2012. Blond hair, hazel eyes. Was seven at the time.

Circumstances: They were abducted by their non-custodial parents. Photos and vital statistics for them are not available.

If you have any information as to the Lawrence childrens' whereabouts, please contact the Wyandotte County Sherriff's Department at 913-573-2861. Any information received can be kept confidential.

Information used to compile this casefile came from the following resources:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
The Charley Project
KAKE Wichita

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