Above: Asja Johnson in 2014

Above: Milan Johnson in 2014

Asja and Milan Johnson

Last seen in Nassau, Bahamas on July 30, 2014

Vital statistics: Asja is a black female. She was born on February 28, 2008. Black hair, dark brown eyes. Was six at the time. Milan is a black female. She was born on June 15, 2012. Black hair, dark brown eyes. Was two at the time.

Circumstances: They were abducted by their non-custodial mother, Dazelle Johnson. Photos and vital statistics for her are not available. At the time she was seperated from their father, Michael Johnson, and did not return them after a visit. They were initially abducted along with their brothers Cruz and Morgan; they were located with a stranger in London, Ontario, Canada in June 2015. They are still believed to be in Canada, possibly in the Toronto, Ontario area. Because of their brothers' abandonment they are considered at risk.

If you have any information as to the Johnson childrens' whereabouts, please contact the London Police Service at 519-661-5670. Any information received can be kept confidential.

Information used to compile this casefile came from the following resources:
Global News
Toronto News

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