Above: Daniel Arellano Fernandez in 2004

Daniel Alejandro Arellano Fernandez

Last seen in Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico on March 31, 2004

Vital statistics: Hispanic male. Born on February 15, 2004. Blond hair, light brown eyes. Was one month at the time.

Circumstances: He was abducted by his non-custodial father, Erick Daniel Arellano Tellez. A photo and vital statistics are posted below. At the time he was in the care of the Desarrollo Integral de la Familia. He lived in a foster home on Puerto Vallarta No. 37, Colonia Miramar. They may be in the company of Gustavo Rodríguez Suarez; photos and vital statistics for him are not available.

Above: Erick Arellano Tellez in 2004

Vital statistics: Hispanic male. Blond hair, green eyes. Some agencies spell his last name "Arellano Telles." Was twenty-one at the time.

If you have any information as to Daniel's whereabouts, please contact the Procuraduria General de la Republica at 01-800-002-5200. Any information received can be kept confidential.

Information used to compile this casefile came from the following resources:
Centro de Apoyo a Personas Extraviadas y Ausentes
The Doe Network
Semanario - Organo de formacion e informacion Catolica

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