Cases, information on cases, and saying if a particular case was resolved or not can be mailed to us here.

California Kids, Page Fifteen

Jonathan Mordoche (missing with Mario Mordoche and Yakelin Llanes)

Mario Mordoche (missing with Jonathan Mordoche and Yakelin Llanes)

Yakelin Llanes (missing with Jonathan and Mario Mordoche)

Richard Gorham (missing with Roland Himebrook)

Roland Himebrook (missing with Richard Gorham)

Lloyd Reese (missing with David Jaramillo)

David Jaramillo (missing with Lloyd Reese)

Susan Basile

Alejandra Medina Hernandez

Brenda Crowley

Lucero Colmenares Verduzco

Nayeli Becerra Parra

Nicole Russo

Kase Lee

Karen Zhou

Page Sixteen

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